Copywriting is the art of creating engaging messages, which generate favourable outcomes.
Good copywriting builds rapport with the reader and uses a friendly voice and conversational style. This oils the works and allows important ideas and facts to flow smoothly.
Flow is everything. It establishes pace and the sequence of ideas, so products and services are illustrated as solutions to problems.
Sincerity and honesty are key to success. Outlandish claims and exaggerated benefits arouse suspicion and weaken your credibility. So avoid making claims you cannot deliver.
SEO copywriting
Using the right keywords in the right places will improve your search ranking. The right keywords emanate naturally from your expertise. They’re the words you use in daily conversations with colleagues and clients. People tend to search using generic phrases and popular terms.
Using search tools such as Wordtracker, LSIGraph and Whatsmyserp will help find the right combination of keyword phrases.
Optimising your page snippet will make a big difference to your click-through rate. If you’re using WordPress, then the Yoast SEO plugin will help you create your snippet.
What is a snippet?
A snippet is a single search result found on a search engine’s results page.
Your snippet is an important online asset as it’s the doorway to your website.
Part of the content will reflect your search query. Snippets usually have a title, URL and page description. There are many types and search companies like Google and Bing are always experimenting with new types. Below is a standard snippet for the search term: How to make chocolate brownies.
Search engines will often create an automated snippet for your post or page: pulling content from different parts of your website. If you want to control how your snippets are seen, then it’s best you create your own.
What are rich snippets?
Rich snippets are similar to standard snippets but contain more information such as star ratings, product reviews and stock availability. Here’s an example of a rich snippet for the search term: How to make chocolate brownies.
Featured snippets
Featured snippets usually contain images and video content and placed at the top of the organic search results page. The content comes from pages that answer the search query.
Search rankings are also dependent on keyword competition. So if you’re a website designer, you’ll find there are millions of competing websites offering similar services. But if you narrow your keywords to local cities and towns or a specialist industry, you’ll have a better chance of generating leads with a niche search term.
There is a copywriting dilemma with keyword phrases. On the one hand you want to use phrases people are entering into search engines in order to be found. On the other hand you want to avoid generic labels. You want people to know about your unique knowledge and skills and how you can help them.
Transforming your knowledge and skills into credible propositions is key to generating new business. Read more about knowledge and skills marketing.
Copywriting services include:
✓ Website copywriting
✓ LinkedIn business profile copywriting
✓ Email copywriting
✓ Screencast explainer video scripts
✓ Video scriptwriting
✓ Ghost writing books
✓ Case study copywriting
✓ Business tenders and presentations
One of the best examples I can give is a story I read about a blind man begging in the streets of New York City.
Sitting slumped against the railings with his head down and a tin between his feet, a cardboard sign read: “I’m Blind.” His tin contained a few pitiful coins as most people passed by without a thought.
A copywriter on his way to work stopped and wrote a few words on his sign, then carried on his way.
Moments later, people were dropping coins into his tin. Eventually his tin was overflowing with coins.
Curious, the blind man asked the next person to read out his sign. The stranger said “sure, it says: It’s a beautiful day and I’m Blind.”
Enjoy your day 🙂
Francis Newman
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